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First workshop for the ‘Facilitative Sharing of Views’ in May 2016

First workshop for the ‘Facilitative Sharing of Views’ in May 2016 Posted on April 12, 2016

The FSV is the second step defined under the ICA process.

Once developing country Parties have submitted their biennial update reports (BURs), the reports undergo a two-step verification process called: “international consultation and analysis”(ICA).

The objective of this process is to enhance the transparency of mitigation actions and their effects and also contribute to trust-building among Parties.

The first step is a technical analysis during which a team of technical experts (TTE) analyzes the BUR and assists in enhancing the transparency of reporting, and identifying capacity-building needs. A final summary report is then published for each country analysed, on the secretariat’s website.

While these reports are helpful tools for following a country’s progress, to ensure their success, the UNFCCC has created a platform to bring countries together in a shared learning process. This platform is called the Facilitative Sharing of Views (FSV), which is step two of the ICA.

The first session of the FSV will be a historic event where 13 developing country Parties, which have submitted BURs and have a final summary report, will have the opportunity to present to other Parties, information on their greenhouse gas emissions, along with actions taken to mitigate climate change and their effects and the support needed and received. They will also answer questions posed by other Parties. The developing countries which will undergo the FSV are: Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Namibia, Peru, Republic of Korea, Singapore, South Africa, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tunisia and Viet Nam.

Upon conclusion of the workshop, a record of the FSV for each Party will be published online.


What’s in it for developing countries?

The ICA process provides an opportunity for developing country Parties to continuously reaffirm their commitment towards the effective implementation of the Convention.

It is also a way for the UNFCCC to bring countries together to foster collaboration and orchestrate support for the important efforts of each developing country and their unique needs.

The workshop will be open to Parties and observers. The sessions will also be webcasted and the final records will be made publicly available on the UN Climate Change Secretariat website here.